This was a one-of-a-kind, "only in the metaverse" type of panel I recently participated in. The topic was Metaverse Development and featured a panel of acclaimed VR developers from the NeosVR community. The topic was something we were all familiar with, but the format was new. We were not merely broadcasting our talk out of VR and into IRL via a 2D screen, we were presenting as a live virtual twin at the 4GameChangers conference in Vienna, Austria.
At the live, IRL conference, our moderator, the award-winning VR entrepreneur Conrad Gill led the panel on stage. However, next to him were 4 empty seats. Above the near-empty stage were several television monitors peering into the metaverse, looking at a digital VR duplicate of the same stage. In THIS stage, we, the panelests, existed in the metaverse, in our avatars. Our two worlds were connected in real-time.
Conrad soon put on his HMD and joined us in the metaverse, while simultaneously talking from his IRL chair at the conference.
This kind of thing does NOT happen every day. It was an excellent conversation, and a revolutionary broadcast experience.